Dr Maral Dadvar will be delivering a keynote talk “Provision of Specialized Literature through Innovative Information Technologies” at the Parlamentarischer Abend in Magdeburg on 07th March.
In her talk, she will address the role and importance of open data and open access in research and scientific projects, necessity of digitalization of information resources as stepping stones, and the technological challenges that entities such as libraries face in moving towards these goals.
The Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences will be hosting a parliamentary evening in cooperation with the Junge Akademie and the Global Young Academy for members of the Landtag of Saxony-Anhalt. This event aims to address the role of digitalization in science and society and to discuss this topic from economic, political and scientific perspectives.
Dr Dadvar is a postdoctoral researcher at Web-based Information Systems and Services group, Stuttgart Media University. She is currently involved in a FID project which aims to create a specialized, overarching infrastructure, providing users an easy access to the library collections. Her research interests lie in Linked Open Data and Natural Languages Processing.
Dr Dadvar is a member of Global Young Academy since 2017.
Author: Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018