Get a doctorate

Most project-based positions in our group are targeted at doctoral students, i.e., people with a Master’s degree who would like to obtain a doctorate. This is, however, not a strict requirement. Working towards a doctoral degree is a very individual decision and certainly asks for substantial additional research work besides the direct duties of the job offered.

Ideally, the dissertation topic and the research project align well so that project results can be used as part of the dissertation.

Cooperation with a University

Stuttgart Media University does not issue doctorates. Instead, we cooperate with universities like Humboldt, KIT or Mannheim. This is no disadvantage, as two supervisors are required for a dissertation, anyway. We will help you finding the right university and the right co-supervisor for your research topic.

Like with the decision to pursue a doctorate in general, the choice of supervisors is very individual. The list of universities to the right simply reflects the cooperations we established so far and where we collaborate fruitfully in mutual research projects. If one of these is right for you depends solely on your topic and its fit with the research of your potential co-supervisor.

With the existing cooperations, we already have a broad variety, from Dr. rer. pol. or Dr.-Ing. at KIT (Computer Science and Business Informatics), Dr. rer. nat. at Mannheim (Computer Science and Business Informatics), Dr. phil. at Humboldt (Information Science) and PhD (Computer Science and Information Science) at UWS.


The formal requirements are subject to the requirements of the issuing university. Usually this includes a very good (<= 2.0) master’s degree or equivalent in computer science, information science, or a related field.

A general requirement is a good command of written and spoken English; research is international and dominated by the English language (there is a reason why this website is only available in English). Don’t be too concerned if you think your English is not (yet) good enough, but expect to read and write a lot in English over the next years.

Programming skills are a further requirement. You won’t get a degree for your code, but without coding, you won’t get your research (and project work) done in computer and information science, at least not in the areas we are interested in (look at the name of this group!).

Apart from that, the main personal requirement is to be organised and self-motivated. It is your dissertation and you want to get it done!

Cooperating Universities: